Town Office
L'Anse au Clair is an incorporated municipality in the province of Newfoundland & Labrador. The town was incorporated in 1970. Regular council meetings are held to conduct town business.
These council meetings are held at the AMG Town Centre at 7:30pm on the first Monday of every month (if Monday is a holiday, the meeting will be held the following work day) and are open to the public. Residents can attend meetings without notice. However, if you want to make a presentation or address council, you need to be added to the agenda ahead of time. In this case, please call the town office (931-2481) a few days in advance to be added.
Residents with questions or concerns may also send a letter to council delivered either by mail, in person during business hours, or by email to Your inquiry will be reviewed during the next regular council meeting and responded to promptly afterwards by email or written letter.
Town Council 2021-present
- Wade Chubbs, Mayor
- Sheila Chubbs, Deputy Mayor
- Shelley Griffin, Councillor
- Monica Hunt, Councillor
- Pat Jones, Councillor
- Chad Letto, Councillor
- Sandra Thomas, Councillor

L'Anse au Clair's previous town centre was destroyed by fire in 2016.
A new town centre called the AMG Town Centre was built in 2018. See the gallery section for additional pictures. The town office is staffed by a town clerk/manager.
Town Services
The town council provides the following services for residents:
- Water & sewer to all the town, including roadside fire hydrants
- Volunteer fire department and a fire hall
- Outdoor skating rink, ballfield and playground
- Town greenhouse
- Town Hall exercise and recreation equipment during business hours, and facilities for events
- Walking and hiking trails
As well, these commercial services are available in the town:
- Telephone, DSL Internet, cell phone & satellite TV services provided by Bell Aliant
- Cable TV provided by Clearview Cable
Membership Organizations
The town is a member of several organizations within the province and the local region:
- Combined Councils of Labrador
- Municipalities Newfoundland & Labrador
- Regional Waste Disposal Committee (7 communities, L'Anse au Clair to Pinware)
- Labrador Straits Historical Development Corporation
- Southern Labrador Development Association